NEW - Dosing unit PC 1500 with automatic cleaning


The robust and sophisticated dosing unit PLASTICOLOR 1500 from WOYWOD now comes with a very useful and valuable additional function: the automatic cleaning device.

Significant time that you currently need for time-consuming material changes can be used for other purposes.

How it works:

The automatic cleaning device represents the highest level of automation in the area of dosing technology.
On command, the dosing unit is emptied via pneumatic slides and the use of compressed air. Then all components of the dosing unit are cleaned using a sophisticated control algorithm. After that, the dosing unit only has to be filled again.

by fully automatic discharging and cleaning of the dosing unit

through quick coupling for the compressed air supply of the air nozzles

newest generation (PC 90-04)

maintenance-free except for the filter and particularly economic at smaller outputs

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